Why Is My Code Getting An Error Of Fatal Error: Uncaught Exception 'dompdf_exception' With Message 'frame Not Found In Cellmap
Solution 1:
I had the same issues.
I've fix it with X row.. force to break-page.
it's just because the pdf try to output a lot of row and he can't jump to the next page.
In your case, try to place an :
page-break-after: always;
on the first tr..
<tbody><?php$x='a';while($rw2<$rsummary): $rw3 = 0;?><trstyle="page-break-after: always;">
or you can make a php to do that after X line.
I hope that will be useful for someone.
Best regards,
===== EDIT =====
Also, remove the "border-collapse" on your table.
Solution 2:
This happens when a table extends beyond the size of the paper. You can use a custom paper size. It will solve the problem.
Example :
$paper_orientation = 'landscape';
$customPaper = array(0,0,950,950);
Solution 3:
I have been facing the same problem for days, in a huge table with rowspan and colspan, but no border-collapse:collapse (there is a known issue related to that property).
I have resolved it by adding this to the style of my table element:
Hope it helps!
Solution 4:
I had the same issues. Make sure you don't have any external css or any other linked file. However i fixed it by completely designing the PDF file through internal css and inline css. I hope it solve your problem.
Solution 5:
This could be solved when closing the tables several times. Then tables fits to the paper size ant the error is gone.
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