More Semantic Html 5 Code With Bootstrap 3?
I want to make my (wordpress) bootstrap 3 template more html 5-semantic. Now i wonder if i should use the new html 5 tags for layouting like:
Solution 1:
section should not contain the main element semantically. But main element can contain any. So, you may do as followings:
<article>you can nest article in section</article>
element asidemain element
While using section consider the following points:
- If it makes sense to separately syndicate the content of a section element, use an article element instead.
- Do not use the section element as a generic container; this is what div is for, especially when the sectioning is only for styling purposes. A rule of thumb is that a section should logically appear in the outline of a document.
So, consider the following while using main:
- main must not be a descendent of an article, aside, footer, header, or nav element.
To consider what should I do or what should I not do you may search in google like this:
mdn article html
So, this would result mozilla developer network's article
So, searching is easy like mdn aside html
, then you would get article of what you need exactly.
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