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How Do I Create A Div With Dojo Create?

i want to generate the divNodes0 div from this example via dojo create (including the h1 and ul):

The third parameter to dojo.create can be either a domNode (like you are using) or an id of a dom node: dojo.create('h1',{},'divNodes0','first')

Based on your usage of the dojoType attribute it seems like you want to use "widgets" rather than dom nodes. Widgets are generally a template of domnodes with built in styling and event handling that are easily reusable. Instantiating and placing widgets is simple:

var heading = new{
  id: "h1Nodes0",
  dojoType: "",
  back: "zurĊ¸ck",
  moveTo: "divNodes0",
  fixed: "top",
  label: "Knotenübersicht"

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