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Thymeleaf - Appending
To Input Tag

I'm trying to append a after every input line in a form, but Thymeleaf keeps giving me parsing error. Here is the code piece that I'm having trouble with:

Solution 1:

I think you may be going about this in the wrong way.

th:utext would insert that within the <input> node. But, according to the HTML5 Spec, nothing goes in an <input> tag ("Content model: Empty.")

I think you want something more like this:

<form th:if="${not #lists.isEmpty(brands)}">
    <th:block th:each="brand : ${brands}">
        <label th:for="${'brand')}" th:text="${}">Brand A</label>
        <input type="checkbox" th:id="${#ids.seq('brand')}"
            name="brand" th:value="${}"/>

If you're using Spring MVC, you may also find this example helpful:

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To Input Tag"